In the right hands, Google Analytics can be one of the most powerful of all marketing tools
Google Analytics is essentially a tool for tracking the visits to your site. But it can be so much more than that. If used to its full potential, it can be a vital part of your online business strategy.
With our Google Analytics Support service, you can:
- Identify your most important key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Measure the success of your SEO, social media, and paid search campaigns
- Track your goals and conversions
- Troubleshoot problems with your site
- Set up your own customised reporting systems to reflect your marketing activities
…and so much more besides.
With our Google Analytics Support services, we’ll show you how to transform Google Analytics from a confusing mass of numbers into one of your most valuable assets.
Achieving the best Google Analytics setup
At BCL Marketing, we love Google Analytics. We appreciate how it helps us to make worthwhile, data-driven decisions, whether we’re looking at offers, content or calls to action. By studying the differences even the most subtle changes can make to your home, product, sign-up and purchase pages, it enables us to help you add value and improve your performance.
We can show you how to define, setup and measure the most important metrics, how to test different iterations to arrive at the most successful design, and what to do next.
If you know you need Google Analytics but find the whole thing far too complex, let us set it up for you
You’ve heard good things about Google Analytics. You’ve heard about how it can help you to understand your customers. You’ve heard how you can use it to gauge the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
But there’s no escaping the fact that Google Analytics is extraordinarily complicated. And if that’s the only thing that’s stopping you from setting up an Analytics account for your business, then perhaps it’s time you gave Hallam Internet a call.
With our Google Analytics Setup service, we’ll:
- Install Google Analytics on your site and make sure it’s working correctly
- Customise your Analytics desktop so you only see the data you need to see
- Set up customised reporting to reflect your marketing activities
- Create a standard monthly reporting model that’s suited to your business needs
All you have to do is sign up with Google, add a line of code to all the pages of your site you wish to track, and you’re good to go.
Almost from the moment you sign up for Google Analytics, you’ll gain access to reams of data and a seemingly endless array of options. And it’s here where a lot of businesses struggle.
They know that hidden among all that data are the insights they need to take their marketing efforts to the new level. They just don’t quite know how to parse it.
And that’s where we come in. We can set up your Google Analytics account in such a way that will eliminate all the unnecessary statistics, leaving only the data that is relevant to your business.
How Does Our Google Analytics Setup Service Work?
We’ll identify your most important key performance indicators (KPIs) and show you have to set up and track goals on your site. We’ll set up customised reporting to reflect your marketing activities. Finally, we’ll create a standard monthly reporting model that’s suited to your business needs.
We’re a Google Analytics Certified Partner. We know what we’re talking about, and we have the qualifications to prove it. We can help you to make sense of your data. And once you’ve made sense of your data, your next digital marketing steps will be clear.
We’ll Get Straight to the Point.
We’re here to demystify Google Analytics. We won’t just help you get it up and running for your site. We’ll do so without ever once resorting to jargon or geek speak.
Every time we communicate we’ll do so in plain and accessible English. And any time you have any questions, we’ll always be here to help.
Our Google Analytics Consultancy Service will unlock your site’s true marketing potential
Our team of specialist consultants are all Google Analytics accredited. They’ve met Google’s rigorous qualification standards and are now fully equipped to help you make the most of your Google Analytics data.
We can work with you to ensure that your Google Analytics is correctly implemented, and we can show you how to interpret and analyse your data to discover the insights you need to take your marketing efforts to the next level.
Work with us, and we’ll show you how to:
- Identify and measure your most important KPIs
- Measure the success of your SEO, social media, and paid search campaigns
- Track goals and conversions
- Troubleshoot problems on your site
- Devise a data driven digital marketing strategy