About Us

First of all, we look at a small business as any company with under 500 employees. Although we have helped much larger companies, this is our sweet spot. As a small business marketing consultant, basically we do everything you need when developing and implementing your marketing plan including designing your brand, choosing your channels, developing your business assets and sharing your message with the right audience.

We love the process of both traditional and internet marketing and we understand you need more that just advice, you need a trusted partner, that actually creates all the assets you need, implements the strategy, and monitor the process so you can see the results your small business needs!

we deal in

Here are some services that we provide


Good link building is ethical. We never resort to the sort of tactics that are frowned upon by search engines. We’ll never pay for a link, we’ll never make use of dodgy link farms, and we’ll never automate our processes.


We’ll show you how to structure and write the perfect marketing email – the sort of personalized communications that get opened, that get read, and that serve to convert your leads into customers.


BCL Marketing is more than just a video production company. We’re specialists in creating content for the web – no matter what the medium.


Our keyword research process involves uncovering those crucial terms that can make or break your business online. We’ll help you to understand the value of your keywords, and the demand for particular phrases.


Too often businesses plough time and money into strategies that focus on the wrong channels, wrong people and wrong content. It can feel like a mountain to climb.


Are you spending money on advertising but not getting the results you hoped for? Our team of Google and Bing Accredited specialists have the knowledge necessary to make your paid search advertising effective.


With our Google Analytics support service, we can help you to understand your customers and find out just how effective your marketing efforts really are.


The brightest and best way to get across your message that also makes you rank better in search. Find out how BCL Marketing team of creative digital designers can help your business present its work in new and exciting ways.


In the search world, your organisation will want to show on the most suitable search terms based on your objectives. To achieve this you will need to target the right keywords with the right copy at the right time.

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